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“Watermelon Wonders: The Ultimate Summer Refreshment”

now if you’re a watermelon lover like most of us throughout the world I have something that’s exciting to share with you because when you understand the value the health benefits of what watermelon can do for your body it’s going to get you excited motivated and you’re going to even enjoy it so much more when it comes to the cells of our body it’s so important to stay hydrated and watermelon comprises about 90 percent water making it a great choice for daily water intake and it has a very low calorie density in other

words very few calories for its total weight it’s packed with so many nutrients including potassium magnesium vitamin A vitamin C as well as lycopene and that powerful antioxidant lycopene has so many healing medicinal properties for many organs tissues and glands within our body if only think of lycopene we think of tomatoes but did you know that watermelon has 40 percent more lycopene than raw tomatoes and when it comes to your eyesight lycopene can prevent or delay the formation of cataracts and reduce the risk of macular

degeneration which is the leading cause of blindness in older adults and if you’re having dry eyes the lycopene can do wonderful things to help prevent this from happening and males as we get older one of the biggest issues that we have is prostate problems the prostate starts to get enlarged becomes inflamed common conditions like prostatitis even prostate cancer but lycopene can do wonderful things for the prostate and Studies have shown that lycopene reduces the inflammation helps reduce the symptoms of BPH as well as the serum

levels of PSA and a lycopene in watermelon could do wonderful things for your cardiovascular system it can lower your bad cholesterol your ldls raise your good cholesterol your hdls the ldls your low density proteins is what causes plaquing within the arteries and that’s when we block off blood supply go into the heart which we call a heart attack or to the brain that we call a stroke but when we increase our good cholesterol or hdls that’s what surgery is for the bad ldls it sits in the arteries and pulls it out as those hdls

will take it back to the liver so the liver can excrete it from the body and here is something that’s really exciting when it comes to our cardiovascular system inside this watermelon there’s l-citrulline and amino acid this has the greatest amount of citrulline of any fruit in the planet and l-citrulline is converted to another amino acid inside the body called L-Arginine and both of them form what we call nitric oxide and nitric oxide is a gas molecule that causes the tiny muscles within our blood vessels to

relax and dilate so imagine blood coming through this hole right here which is an artery and this artery starts to relax starts to enlarge it puts less stress on the heart it has to pump less energy meaning it lowers blood pressure to get the blood circulation through those arteries much easier to the cells tissues glands and organs well your body is going to get more oxygen with so much more ease taking stress off all the other organs and something that’s very important the Rind of that watermelon where it’s white that’s where tons of

citrulline as well as many other nutrients reside and I know that most of us do not eat that right because it’s bitter we usually go for the colorful watermelon while the lycopene but one bit of advice for you when you’re making your smoothies cut off that white with the watermelon put it in your smoothie I promise you you’ll reap so many benefits and when it comes to Fat Loss watermelons increase Arginine levels in your body an amino acid that can help your body burn fat so much easier and because it’s mostly water and

it’s hydrating and it’s a low calorie food it is perfect for weight loss when it comes to your skin Health watermelon may do wonderful things for you it helps fight free radical damage it improves elasticity reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles making your skin look a lot firmer than before and the vitamin a c and e as well as the high quality of water all which promote skin hydration and collagen stimulation and there’s no doubt that this healthy fruit can do wonderful things for the health

and wealth of our bodies so eat your watermelon because your body will love you please share this article with your friends and family leave your comments below and most important make it a great day I’m Dr Alan Mandel

hey guys I recently had a question and can I consume watermelon on a ketogenic plant okay so let’s just talk about that there’s two things that you need to know one is the glycemic index okay that is the speed at which sugars are elevated in the bloodstream okay that would be considered like if I had a gun right now and I shot a bullet it’s the speed of the bullet then you have also something called the glycemic load and this is the quantity of carbohydrate so that would be how many bullets coming

out so the glycemic load is the glycemic index times the digestible carbohydrates divided by a hundred okay so it’s just a value less than ten is on the low side so watermelon has a low glycemic load but a pretty high glycemic index now here’s the thing if you consume larger and larger amounts of watermelon or or any food this gets multiplied so with the glycemic index this pretty much stays the same same effect but adding more quantity will increase this so if you keep a small amount you’re going to be okay as long

as you stay within your net carbs and one last point I’m gonna bring up if your metabolism is really slow you want to avoid watermelon and even avoid the berries and not even give in to that but for most people that have a relatively good metabolism they can get away with a little bit of watermelon and some berries alright thanks for watching hey guys a quick survey question I want to know what topic you would like me to do a article on so each week I’m coming up with different types of articles but I would rather have you tell me what

you’re interested in so I put a link down below please fill it out

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