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“The Power of One Avocado a Day: Transform Your Health in 30 Days”

I ate one avocado per day for a month and I noticed huge changes in my life to the point where I now do it every day this was about two years ago that I started doing that and now it’s a non-negotiable for me I just I have an avocado every day if I can’t get my hands on Avocado I have some guacamole and yeah there’s gonna be days that I miss but the bottom line is it’s just part of my life it’s drilled into my head now what did I recognize what did I realize what did I notice well I’m going

to share it with you I’m going to share what you would notice more than likely but also I’m going to back it up with some research so let’s go ahead and dive in after today’s article I popped a link down below for lmnt electrolytes element electrolytes no matter what kind of dietary protocol you’re doing or if you’re exercising obviously electrolytes are important but down below you can get a free variety pack of element electrolytes with any purchase so it’s an exclusive deal for those that watch

my articles so they have all kinds of flavors they have citrus salt which is kind of my go-to they’ve got mango chili lemon habanero plain unflavored it’s awesome they’ve got chocolate Salt that you can mix with hot water so you can get your electrolytes your sodium your potassium your magnesium in a delicious form so that link is down below it’s drinklmnt.

com Thomas drink Thomas check them out after this article that link down below trust me it’s a delicious way to fight off cravings and how something to sip on that’s zero calorie or very minimal calorie throughout the course of the day one of the things that you’d notice eating an avocado per day literally within hours is you might notice less inflammation now what does that feel like now inflammation is a natural thing but when it becomes an ongoing issue it can make you feel fatigued make you feel foggy it can make your joints feel

cruddy it can make your brain feel like it’s just not working it can inhibit recovery if it goes too far it’s a problem so with this we look at a study published in food and function which painted it so clearly that it happens so fast with avocado they had two groups of people eat burgers a 250 gram burger patty or a 250 gram burger patty with 68 grams of avocado what they found was unbelievable within two hours the group that had only the burger patty started having vasoconstriction they started having

their blood vessels started to constrict okay at three hours the group that had the burger only started having this activation of what’s called nuclear Factor Kappa B which is sort of a master regulatory switch of inflammation when that switches on at sort of a genetic level you’re initiating this Cascade of inflammatory cytokines and other things that are in that category after four hours there was a bona fide activation of interleukin-6 interleukin-6 is a very potent inflammatory cytokine the one that is

elevated after a workout where there’s trauma in certain stressors after alcohol okay this happened in the burger patty group all of this was nullified if the avocado was in the situation so the burger patty plus avocado did not have any of these situations no vasoconstriction no interleukin-6 no nuclear Factor Kappa B what does that tell us does it tell us burger patties are bad no it tells us avocados are potent and it happens fast so that’s one of the first things that you can notice if you’re in tune with

your body but it’s happening either way in the background the next thing that you might notice after a few days and this is something I I noticed within one day was I was more focused so I started doing some digging and trying to figure out what was potentially going on here and I did find a paper that was published in the journal uh psychophysiology it was very interesting so in this study they had one group eat a meal plus one full Haas avocado and in the other group ate a full meal a control meal isocaloric same amount of

calories but minus the Haas avocado they found that the avocado group had an increase in what was called attentional inhibition attentional inhibition basically means that they could fight off distraction they were able to focus on the task at hand literally being more focused now this study was a longer study over the course of 12 weeks but in order to make these measurable changes on paper it would take some time again I’m very in tune with my body and what I do for a living requires me to be mentally astute and I

noticed that like with avocados in the picture I’m like wow why is this such good brain food so what’s going on here well there’s other studies like one in Frontiers and nutrition that found that older people that ate more avocados had much less incidence of cognitive decline we could look at the monounsaturated fatty acids as being like an anti-inflammatory that kind of makes sense but it probably has more to do with the major major antioxidant components of avocados it just makes sense we’ll talk more about it with some

of these other things but we do have to recognize there was a study that did look at monounsaturated rated fats and found in this particular study for what they looked at monounsaturated fats were the only fat that were associated with a reduction in cognitive decline so what that means is like longer term avocados very well might help Stave off cognitive decline but in the short term you literally might get more Focus not necessarily brain energy but more ability to fight off these distractions which is wild now after about a week I

noticed a big Improvement in my mood now that being said the avocados were making it so that I was less hungry and I I feel like I was eating less like potential junk anyway but I did notice a big change in my mood but I struggled with this because I know deep down that like fats don’t fuel the brain like the brain can’t run on fatty acids they can’t enter the blood-brain barrier and unless I was in a state of ketosis where I was depriving carbs so much that I was producing ketones then I didn’t really have an explanation

until I dug into the research and I realized that wow I probably was deficient in folate avocados have a lot of folate and what happens is folate ends up breaking down homocysteine when homocysteine is elevated especially in the brain it inhibits the amount of circulation and nutrient delivery to the cells within the brain so elevated homocysteine will lead to your brain not really working very well because folate breaks down homocysteine it sort of liberates that it increases the circulation and energy to the brain

when this happens you have a reduction in neuroinflammation and this is very closely tied with mood inflammation in the brain can definitely impact your mood there was a study published in journal psychiatric research that demonstrated that subjects that had low levels of folate in their diet had higher instances of depression pretty correlational so we can’t take it to the bank but it all starts to add up when we look at these things now I’m going to jump ahead for a little bit because people might say well avocados have fat

in them they can’t be that good for you if you have too much of that there was a study that demonstrated that within like four or five weeks there was a massive shift in LDL levels now why do I mention this well I predominantly follow a relatively low carb diet so I don’t worry too much about my LDL levels because sometimes they’ll be elevated sometimes they won’t be but what I do notice is that when I am really training hard and exercising a lot and I’m under a lot of stress my oxidized LDL tends to

go up and oxidized LDL is the LDL cholesterol that has been acted upon by oxidative stress that is when it becomes a problem and potentially dangerous and that number for me would sometimes Elevate I noticed within two or three weeks that my LDL levels improved in total but particularly my oxidized LDL which is interesting because there was a study that looked at just this too this study was published in the journal nutrition it was a five-week study they had subjects consume three types of meals okay there was a low fat meal now

a moderate fat meal that had one avocado per day and another moderate fat meal that didn’t have the avocado but replace those calories with oleic acid so they were getting fat so it’s still equal amount of fats and a good fat oleic acid but it wasn’t the actual avocado they found that within that five week period oxidized LDL levels dropped significantly oxidized LDL is one of the biggest problems that is the LDL that’s the real problem we could go hem and aha about various particle sizes light fluffy vldl

we could go into where blue in the face on good bad ugly oxidized LDL we all tend to agree that is more of a marker of inflammatory responses within the body and that went down and subsequently they saw an increase in lutein levels lutein is a powerful free radical scavenger so avocados drove up the body’s lutein levels which probably drove down that oxalized LDL that is fascinating you can notice that within weeks now towards the end of 30 days with avocado you might notice a little bit less of a pot belly it’s hard to

notice because unless your calories are low and you’re really reducing weight you might not notice it super visually but I’m confident that if you were to continue it on for a while you’d notice it more and it’s not just me talking now this isn’t something that I experienced my visceral fat was already low when I was doing this experiment but it’s still interesting because I’ve talked to other people that notice that avocado has changed their life now before I mention this it’s important to

note that there was another study that demonstrated that avocado having it daily increased levels of cck increased levels of pyy and increased glucagon like peptide 1. but what are these things these are gut incretins that signal to the brain to tell us to not be as hungry so full disclaimer maybe the reductions in Potbelly that you see from avocado are a result of you not being as hungry that is absolutely viable but when you get down to the nitty-gritty of it there seems to be more there was a study published in current developments

in nutrition they had people eat one avocado per day or an ISO caloric control diet so same amount of calories but without the avocado what they found is at the end of this study the ratio of visceral fat to subcutaneous fat was lower meaning they lost visceral fat and it they didn’t gain subcutaneous fat as a matter of fact they lost Sub-Q belly fat too but the ratio the rate at which they lost visceral fat was much higher in the avocado group than the isocaloric control group telling us that the avocado is doing something what is it

the best explanation is again the anti-inflammatory antioxidant component visceral fat is much more metabolic and related to inflammation and oxidative stress than it is just excess calories so when you have a lot of oxidative stress and damage it can manifest through storage of excess calories and fat into that visceral region which only triggers a Cascade of more inflammation more oxidative damage and a vicious circle that continues to grow that Potbelly so with that reductions in visceral fat is something that could be

a huge advantage to just adding one avocado per day to your life now I know this article has just been a lot of crazy nuancy stuff but the bottom line is that avocados are going to make you eat less they’re a good form of fat that are going to keep you satiated they’re a good source of antioxidants that are going to keep you feeling vibrant and feeling young and feeling fresh and I even though there’s quite a few calories in an avocado I think by replacing just one of your novelty Foods per day with an avocado or half an

avocado is going to net you a tremendous benefit so as always keep it locked into my channel I’ll see you tomorrow

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