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The Power of Black Cumin: Health Benefits and Uses

hey guys Dr Childs here today we’re going to be talking about the benefits of black seed oil this is an amazing herb which means it’s a plant-based ingredient that has tremendous properties that can impact your health and benefit things like your thyroid your weight your immune system and so on we’ll be talking about all of these and if by the end of this article you’re not convinced that you should be at least considering taking black seed oil then I probably haven’t done my job because it

is truly an amazing herb now to start with I want to just mention something so this does have some roots in religion and it has been said that the prophet Muhammad stated that the black seeds are a cure for everything except death so that’s a pretty lofty statement however I will say by the end of this I think we’ll find that that’s not that far from the truth so where does where do black seed where does black seed oil come from it comes from the plant Nigella sativa so that’s the plant and by the way you can get

that plant uh in powder form if you’d like to so I’ll be talking about how to supplement and how to take this a little bit later but there are different stages of the ingredients and and the process by which we obtain black seed oil which will become apparent as we talk about this but the Platinum Gela sativa produces black seeds we then cold press those black seeds to get black seed oil and then within black seed oil we have a number of beneficial compounds which probably confer a lot of the benefits

that we will be seeing talking about in just a minute those compounds include THQ which stands for thymoquinone peace I mean carvocrolol and free fatty acids which I’ve abbreviated as FFA now it’s probably the most active compound is probably the THQ but my research has suggested that it’s a combination of the ratio between these various ingredients which confers a lot of the benefit so you can’t just take an isolated THQ supplement by itself because those exist you don’t get the same benefits just

taking thymoquinone as you do taking thymoquinone in conjunction with peace I mean carbocral and free fatty acids in various ratios so don’t think that you can just jump out there and take you know Skip all the way down here to the THQ and get all the benefits because I don’t think that that’s the case and you can supplement with these at various forms which again we’ll talk about in a minute so we’ll come over here I want to talk about some of the benefits now in ancient times which means civilizations long ago there were

sort of uh they had various uses for this plant and those uses included things like treating asthma treating any type of fever bronchitis cough congestion dizziness paralysis headaches back pain and inflammation so we know that these civilizations they determine through trial and error that these conditions were treated when people were given black seed oil now today we have the advantage of looking at pharmacological studies and using research and science to determine what type of benefits we can see are obtained

when using black seed oil and that list confirms a lot of the suspicions that you might have by by going back and looking at what the ancient civilizations used it for and I’ll talk about those next and this is where things get really impressive so we know through studies and research that black seed oil has anti-diabetic properties which means it’s helpful for treating diabetes high blood sugar and insulin resistance it has antitussive properties which means it acts as a cough suppressant has anti-cancer benefits

which is obvious antioxidant benefits it is hepatoprotective which means it protects your liver from damage it’s also neural protective which means it protects your your brain it’s gastro protective which means it protects the gastrointestinal tract all by the way starting at the mouth and the sinuses all the way down through the stomach the small intestines and the colon it acts as an immunomodulator which means it balances the immune system it has analgesic properties which means it can fight pain which is probably why

they use it for back pain it has antimicrobial benefits it which is a means it acts as a antibacter anti-biotic it has anti-inflammatory benefits it acts as a spasmolytic which means it relaxes smooth muscles and it acts as a bronchodilator which is probably why it was beneficial for asthma so these are some pretty significant broad benefits but I would say there’s also a couple more that weren’t listed here that I want to focus on a little bit and that would be its Pro thyroid benefits and its benefit on

weight so when we look at studies we see that taking black seed oil has a special benefit for patients who have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in fact the studies show that it can help reduce thyroid antibodies and simultaneously increase free thyroid hormone levels and thyroid function more generally which is a huge benefit to a lot of people especially especially many of the people listening to this is including you but also because we know thyroid disease is becoming more and more common and then secondly it also has a benefit that we

are seeing now on weight and weight management so patients are are using this for weight loss as well now that probably wasn’t seen in in ancient times probably because my guess would be that not as many people back then were dealing with weight to the same degree that we deal with it now so it probably was still converting some benefit back then they just didn’t really see it because it was washed out with all the other benefits that they had at the time but yes it can have a positive benefit on weight usually in shrinking

measurements it doesn’t usually have an impact on the scale as much as it has a impact on the you know waist measurement circumference and things of that nature but yes it can be used to help assist with weight loss so the question is how do you use it how much should you be taking now I have several different little buckets we’re going to be talking about if you are trying to use it for General Health the dose of black seed oil that you should be taking is five 100 milligrams per day that is just if

you want to maintain normal Health in your body and you just want to make sure everything is functionally functioning smoothly so that’s just a kind of a half dose of what is considered normal if you are trying to use it for something specific so that may mean you have a thyroid disease or that may mean you’re trying to lose weight or that may mean you have an autoimmune disease or something of that nature some condition back pain asthma whatever it is some chronic condition you’re trying to treat

the dose is 1 000 milligrams per day so that would be split up into 500 milligrams taken twice so you need to take 500 milligrams once in the morning 500 milligrams once in the evening and then lastly you can use black seed oil to treat acute conditions so that might be something like an upper respiratory infection or some other infection that you’re dealing with maybe a virus of some sort now I’ll give you an anecdotal experience of of my experience using black seed oil to treat a sinus infection so I had a sinus

infection that was going on you know 10 days almost two weeks so it’s getting up to that point where I was going to have to consider taking an antibiotic and so I’m like I’m just going to try knocking this out with black syrup because I have a lot of it so I started taking it I took 500 milligrams eight times each day for about two days straight and by the end of the second day it was completely gone so that’s just an anecdotal experience I’m not recommending that you do this but I’m giving you an idea of

how it could potentially be used I would be cautious using that high of a dose every single day for multiple days but it may be okay to use that kind of dose acutely to treat some specific condition now as you can see black seed oil has tremendous benefits on multiple medical conditions but it is not the only herb or Botanical ingredient that can help you feel better if you’re interested in learning about the power of plants and how they can potentially help impact your body in a positive way I’d recommend checking out this article which

discusses how to improve adrenal function by eating certain foods which are rich in adaptogens next

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