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The Miraculous Healing Medicinal Properties of Apples

Welcome, everyone. Dr. Mandela here. Hopefully, you’re having a beautiful day or night, regardless of where you are worldwide. This is a live stream. You guys have been doing really well. Thank you, chatters around the world, for tuning in. Today, I’m going to talk about the miraculous healing medicinal properties of apples. Now, I am going to clarify a lot of things. You hear people on the ketogenic diet, people in the paleo diet, and people on all different kinds of diets throughout the world saying, “Well, it has lots of sugar,” or, “You know, should I or shouldn’t I?” Is it good for diabetics? Is it good for pre-diabetics? What about insulin resistance? Well, the information I’m going to share with you, which is going to be put back on my channel so you’ll be able to share this later, is going to be able to answer a lot of these questions.

Let me just tell you something about medicine. When you go to a doctor with a condition and he gives you something for that condition, you have to weigh the differences of how important it is to treat that condition versus the side effects. Okay, just keep that in the back of your mind. Now, apples do not have side effects. I just want you to look at the whole picture so you can grasp where I’m coming from. First question I have for you: how many people out there, and I’m sure many of you are in the chat room, are gonna go ahead and say yes, that they eat lots of or drink lots of sodas, baked treats like your baked goods, your simple carbs, your added sugars, your packaged cookies, your applesauce, your fruit juices, your breakfast cereals? How many people out there eat cereal every morning? Okay, and there are millions because that’s a whole aisle or two aisles of a grocery store, so I know it’s being sold. So people out there are eating different cereals. I’m not going to mention which ones, even if it’s recommended by the American Medical Association or the Dietary Association, but remember, all those packages are processed. They’re refined, they’re added, they’re stripped, and you’re worried about an apple? Well, just keep that in the back of your mind.

Now, the next thing I want to talk about is the glycemic index. For those people who don’t know what the glycemic index is, this is a numerical index that ranks carbohydrates based on the rate of glycemic response. So this is actually the conversion of glucose within the human body. The glycemic index uses a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar, and pure glucose serves as a reference point that’s given 100 in a glycemic index response. So the higher the number of the glycemic index, the faster the spike and the faster the absorption of that sugar or glucose into the cells, and that causes our body to get really tired when it starts to come down. So I need you guys, ladies and gentlemen, to look at the glycemic index. I’m not going to post it here; I don’t want to take much time. Look at the foods you eat every single day and look at those foods on the glycemic index, and you make a decision for yourself: are you eating the right foods?

Well, if I come along and say to you right now, “We’re worried about blood sugar, alright, diabetics?” Let me just tell you that the American Medical Association and the Diabetic Association recommend fruits and vegetables, and apples are all the way up on the list because of their fiber. And if I also tell you that apples have a low glycemic index, that means it goes along with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. So think about it: there are sugars in berries, there are sugars in apples, but you’ve got something more important—it’s called fiber, the pectin and the fiber. So I want you, and I’m going to kind of move through this real quick because there is a lot I want to talk about, but I want you to understand that don’t look at the sugar, look at the glycemic index because studies show that some people have eaten three or four apples a day who are diabetics, pre-diabetics, insulin-resistant, and their sugars were never altered by eating apples. So I can tell you that apples are extremely healthy, and I’m going to tell you more than they’re healthy because I am going to prove to you and explain to you the health benefits of what this can do for your heart, your lungs, your entire system, your colon, and then you’re going to make a determination: “Hey, Dr. Mandela mentioned something about apples that’s sticking in the back of my mind, what I was thinking about them. Hmm, maybe it was the wrong thing.” But again, in all respect, I’m not here to mislead you nor tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I just like to give you the facts so you can make your own determination, your own opinion on what you like to do for your own body.

But I will tell you that you do the research and look up the glycemic index, which is about 38 for an apple, about 95 calories total, and I want you to make up your own opinion. Now, when it comes to losing weight, there’s no question that apples will give you satiety. The problem is we eat too much because our ghrelin levels go too high, we spike too much sugar in our body, and we then get that drop, particularly those empty calories that we’re talking about, those sugars, those refined sugars, the cookies, and a lot of the refined sugars that are in the packages that you don’t even think there are sugars—they’re carbs, but carbs get converted to sugars.

Now, what I did, if you are new to this program, and I might have said this in my last live stream, I went on a binge of just low glycemic index fruits—strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, apples, raspberries—and I was blending up every day, every day, and my cholesterol dropped 60 points, my LDLs dropped 50 points, my HDLs went up, my total cholesterol went down because I was eating good carbs. Now, a lot of people out there on the keto diet, I understand you need to maximize your carbs, which, with all respect, that’s okay. But I also want you to realize that the keto diet is not a lifelong diet. Now, you may disagree with me, and I will put that towards another program, but I just want to make that comment.

So losing weight, there’s no question, it will definitely help you lose weight. It will actually help with heart disease, which we will go into in just a minute. It actually helps fight high cholesterol as it will lower the LDLs and triglycerides, which I will mention a little bit more. Realize that we do not want to take the apple without the skin and drink it. That plain fructose is not good for the liver; it can cause fatty liver. Drinking plain fructose, those fruit juices, if it’s not natural or even if it’s preserved or in the can, is not good for you. If you’re going to do a little bit, try to do it with some other fiber because the fiber will sustain that balance. Remember, it’s all about balance, about homeostasis, about the pancreas secreting insulin, okay, but not too much insulin because if you have too much glucose, okay, you’re going to cause an imbalance, that imbalance to that homeostasis between the pancreas and the glucose, and you’re going to eventually lead into type 2 diabetes because you’re going to become more insulin-resistant and therefore it’s going to make things a lot more complicated.

Now, understand when you eat sugars, they go three places. The first place is they burn off. So if you exercise, what are you worried about? You’re going to burn it right off. And if you just semi-exercise and eat a good diet, okay, it’s going to get stored as glycogen. And if you eat too many carbs, it can get stored as fat. But it doesn’t matter, carbs are sugar, so you have to be aware of your own diet. So let me go over a couple of things so I’m moving around quick. There are so many different benefits—antioxidants, quercetin, catechins, chlorogenic acids. There are neuroprotective properties, particularly with dementia, brain problems due to the high doses of quercetin. There are plenty of studies out there. When it comes to strokes, when it comes to heart attacks, this lowers cholesterol so the plaquing is diminished, and I’m going to talk about that. I’ll show you in just a second because it’s lowering the LDLs as the HDLs will actually rise and pick up more LDLs to bring it back to the liver to get it out of the system.

And you’ve got many different elements of minerals and vitamins, which I’m not going to go into, but in diabetes, they’ve done studies that people’s glucose went lower eating apples. They did studies in China where those who consumed most fiber have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It’s a 2011 review, and people who already have diabetes, following a high fiber diet, they also have lower blood sugar levels. So think about this: don’t worry so much about the sugar, worry more about the fiber. It’s proven that, and the antioxidants that will prevent the oxidative stress, which is the cell damage that causes cancers. Apples have been known to lower the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. It’s proven. The studies are right there. It’s proven to lower the risk of people with obesity. And the nutrition levels, I am not going to go into that right now because I want to move quick. So let’s go to a couple of other things.

Let me just pick a few things out here for you

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