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The Health Benefits of Whole Oranges vs. Orange Juice

a great majority of the world loves oranges and we know that orange juice is made from oranges but there’s a big difference orange juice has very very little fiber and oranges have a lot three of these oranges is one glass of orange juice almost twice as much sugar the problem with orange juice fructose that fructose cannot be absorbed so easily in our intestines so where does it go it goes to the liver and if you’re drinking lots of fruit juices not only orange juice you potentially can get a fatty liver as well as other metabolic

 problems that may be affecting your body and I first want to clarify that many people will say well oranges have lots of sugars while oranges also have lots of nutrients and vitamins as well as fiber and when we eat fiber with the fruit in the whole state it slows digestion down from our stomach into our small intestine that means it slows the absorption of glucose into the cells that means less insulin and less stress on the pancreas and the fiber and oranges which is a Prebiotic helps feed on the probiotics in your microbiome in

 your colon and having a strong microbiome will help increase the Vitality of your immune system it can help improve many conditions and problems your digestive system when we think of oranges we think of vitamin C and vitamin C helps build our immune system it helps build collagen throughout our body our ligaments our tendons and what about our skin and that plays a tremendous role in helping reverse those fine lines and saggy skin and oranges are also am potassium it can help cramping within your legs as well

as helping your cardiovascular system your blood vessels as well as lowering blood pressure and not only the fiber and oranges will help keep your blood sugar levels in check it will help lower high cholesterol which prevents cardiovascular disease that plaquing that can occur within those arteries so why are oranges in the whole state so healthy because it has a low glycemic index of 40.

the orange juice has a high glycemic index between 66 and 76 100 being the highest and the higher the glycemic index the faster the sugars get into the cells the more Spike of insulin that we get and eventually our body can become insulin resistant if this continues on for a period of time and if you continue to drink these fruit juices along with those additional carbs those carbs can be stored only to a certain amount as glycogen in our liver and our muscles and if you don’t burn it off and if it cannot be stored anymore

it then gets converted to fat and not only fat within the abdominal area which is visceral fat which is the dangerous fat which leads to metabolic syndrome but a fatty liver as well and inside the skin attached to the actual orange that you’re eating is the pith and that pith contains 30 percent of the fiber from that fruit and that will help lower cholesterol improve your blood sugar improve your gut health and to help you get rid of constipation and make you more regular and inside that orange as well as the pith contains antioxidants

in the form of flavonoids as well as naringenin and this has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects hence some ability to reduce carbohydrate absorption from the intestinal tract which has been shown to slow down the insulin response after eating which can help with things like metabolic syndrome insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and don’t be fooled by what you hear from others about oranges because oranges are extremely healthy for you in the full State eating it in moderation as compared to orange juice

this I’ll put below so this orange with these medicinal healing properties can do wonderful things for the health and wealth of your body oranges are recommended by the American diabetic Association as well as many other diabetic associations worldwide when you eat the orange in the whole state the fiber the phytonutrients the minerals the vitamins and what this can do for our body is just beyond our imagination so I hope that you found this article helpful and please share it with your friends and family leave your comments

below and most important make it a great day I’m Dr Alan Mandel

elieve this myth then you’re ingesting so many extra sugars and carbs into your diet every day that good health is going to escape you now if you know someone who thinks that a fresh squeezed juice fast or fresh squeezed juice every day is good for them please share this with them share this on your social media so we can continue to spread this information so yes fresh squeezed fruit juice is very natural that’s completely true I’m not arguing with that at all I can’t argue with that because it’s true

but also I would submit to you that fresh squeezed rat poop is also natural and organic probably and still not good for you so just because something is fresh and organic that doesn’t always mean you should eat it or drink it right so if ever you hear the words oh it’s fresh-squeezed organic or it’s organic always think about the rat poop analogy because that’s that’s true in many many cases just because something is natural or fresh doesn’t mean it’s healthy okay if I were to take a can of soda and we’re in the south of coke right and I sprinkled a multivitamin i crumbled up the multivitamin and sprinkled that into the coke and I handed it to you and said here here’s a vitamin filled health beverage drink this how would that what would you think about that what would be your initial reaction because many people the reason that they say that that that fresh-squeezed juice is so healthy is because it’s very high in vitamin C and it does have vitamin C there’s doubt about that but so does my soft

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