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The Health Benefits of Tangerines and Citrus Fruits

this article is inspired by Stan eering hello folks scientific Health with a here let’s talk about Tangerine or is it Tangerine who cares since it’s winter time then it is the season to talk about this amazing fruit let’s get started tangerines are about 85% water let’s take a look about the nutrient profile of one medium Tangerine of 88 G are rich tangerines including their peels are rich sources of vitamin C vitamin C’s antioxidant capacity is well known for its beneficial effects on the the skin and heart health as well as its

cancer fighting properties from the theand the antioxidants in tangerines such as Vitamin C may protect brain cells from the damages associated with Alzheimer’s disease Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia vitamin C’s antioxidant capacity May reduce the slow aging of the skin by reducing the free radicals induced damage maybe that’s why vitamin C is used in skin care creams that’s definitely the answer vitamin C in tangerines May promote collagen synthesis and that’s great instead of

taking collagen supplements that have no benefit at all this collagen synthesis improves wound healing and signs of aging of the skin vitamin C May reduce risk factors of heart diseases by lowering blood BL pressure and improving blood vessel function as well as lowering blood triglyceride and LDL which is known as the bad cholesterol we know that if you want to boost your immune system you should have some vitamin C that’s why the doctor asks you to eat more tangerines oranges or any kind of citrus fruits let us not forget about the

vitamin C amount in Pepper that’s why eating tangerine May boost your immune system because they contain a lot of vitamin C vitamin C as we may all know that it is great to defend your immune system from viruses and bacteria before I say the following let us Define what the cells are te- cells are a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes the research shows that vitamin C affects the development and function of te cells and blocks Pathways that lead to their death there is no trick or magic in here

we all know that increasing your fiber intake can help you in weight loss Tangerine may help you in your weight loss journey by increasing your fiber intake tangerines have insoluble fiber you know the one that does not ferment in your gut and cause gas this type of fiber enhances the feeling of full and slows down the transit of your food in your digestive tract so how about after learning these four benefits about Tangerine that you have some check out the other articles and take care of yourself that’s good

vitamin c being ascorbic acid i’m talking about  the whole vitamin c complex and this is why i   encourage people to get the majority of their  vitamins from food because you get the complete   complex like the vitamin c complex like citrus  fruits are the best for that but you can also   get these phytonutrient benefits from not just  consuming the fruit but the leaves the roots   and the flowers of the lemon and the lime  tree now lemon and limes have pretty much the   same nutrients there they have b1 b2 b3 b5 b6 b9  which is folate they have calcium iron magnesium  

potassium and zinc but i wouldn’t depend  on getting your vitamins and minerals   from lemons and limes the thing that you want to  get from lemons and limes is the flavonoids okay   why because they have some very cool properties  anti-cancer anti-bacterial anti-viral anti-fungal   anti-diabetic now i’ve done so many articles with  different plants and vegetables and herbs and   it seems like they all have these same common  benefits why because it’s part of the survival   mechanism that was created from that plant but the  cool thing about that is you can eat those plants  

to get those amazing benefits that have been  created over a very long period of time but   the citrus flavonoids also have the capacity  of decreasing central nervous system disorders   decreasing formation of kidney stones  especially the oxalates calcium oxalate stones   they can inhibit the formation of the stones as  well as calcium phosphate stones as well now the   vitamin c in citrus can completely annihilate  and get rid of scurvy what’s scurvy that’s a   very severe vitamin c deficiency where you have  frequent infections frequent colds cracked lips  

crack corners of your mouth that’s what i  had growing up i didn’t know what it was   now i’ve done other articles talking about  the vitamin complex specifically b2 and b3   deficiencies creating cracked lips right here but  it can also be vitamin c in fact when i was a kid   i think the reason why i had those cracks in the  corners of my mouth because i was consuming so   much sugar and when you consume sugar you  can’t at the same time absorb vitamin c so   it was a vitamin c deficiency that created that  problem and also smoking so if you’re a smoker  

you’re going to block vitamin c absorption that’s  really coming from a vitamin c deficiency because   as you smoke you’re blocking any ability to  absorb that vitamin c one of the symptoms of   scurvy is ulcers in your mouth on the ends of the  mouth and on the tongue now the other real big   symptom of scurvy is spongy bleeding gums so you  brush your teeth and you look at your toothbrush   and it’s like red what is that that’s a vitamin c  deficiency but it could be you’re just consuming  

too much sugar or you’re smoking you know and that  could be blocking vitamin c or you’re just not   consuming vitamin c from the complete complex  maybe you’re getting it from some vitamin but   it’s all synthetic and it’s it’s not the same  thing because vitamin c is involved in collagen   and supporting your capillary strength so if you  don’t have that vitamin c complex the capillaries   are fragile and they break easily and here you are  you go to the dentist and they give you all this  

medication because now you have gingivitis and you  go down this whole series of things but in reality   it comes down to your your diet now citrus  flavonoids can decrease the risk of getting gout   okay inhibiting the uric acid formation it can  also help to act as a diuretic to get rid of   excess fluid and increase bile and peristalsis  so in certain countries they use a lot of lemon   for digestive issues after you eat i just  recommend using lemon in your diet for many   reasons not just helping your digestion but  some of these other things as well and lemon  

is very very um sour and it can help your liver  it can help the production of bile which by   the way um counters constipation because when  you’re deficient bile you become constipated so   bile is helps lubricate the colon basically and  the phytonutrients and citrus help peristalsis   so basically just helps your digestion from a  couple different angles all right there you have   it the health benefits of citrus hey before you  go if you’re benefiting from any of my content   i would love to hear about your success  story please share it in the link down below

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