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The Healing Power of Blueberries: Unlocking Health Benefits

today we’re going to talk about the remarkable benefits of eating blueberries and how they can heal your health eating blueberries can improve your metabolism how do they do this blueberries contain bioactives one of them is called anthocyanin the other one’s called proanthocyanidin and the ones called quatin and these actually improve your metabolism so studies in Turkey have actually enrolled adults who were overweight and gave them blueberries to eat and what do you think they found well first of all these adults were put

on a reduced calorie diet and a little bit of exercise just so they weren’t couch potatoes and they were moving and not eating too much and then after six weeks they gave them blueberries to eat how much really just a quarter cup of frozen blueberries every day for another six weeks but they gave one group of blueberries one group of placebos you know what they found they found the blueberry eaters lost 8 LBS or 2 1% more than the group that was eating the placebos meaning that if you are having a healthy lifestyle with exercise

reducing your calories adding blueberries even frozen blueberries would actually help you lose more weight now the other thing is that eating the blueberry eaters also had less visceral fat that’s the kind of harmful inflammatory fat that you want to get rid of within the tube of your body the bber eaters also had better insulin sensitivity meaning that they had better overall metabolism as well now here’s the thing About Blueberries they are in season in the summertime and if you’re going to go out to a farmers market or

grocery store looking at blueberries here’s a little tip of what you actually want to be able to uh avoid don’t go for any of the berries that are green avoid those they’re not ripe and don’t go for any ones that are really really softened up you know those sort of on their way to rotting so just avoid those and if you can’t get Summer blueberries that’s okay frozen blueberries just like that research study showed are actually just fine here’s something else you might not know about blueberries they have other

names so for example they’ve been called wild Huckleberry or even hortal berries and in Europe they’re known as Bill berries use the name that you’re most familiar with but you recognize them on site they’re these tiny little dark blue super sweet uh berries that you can find during the summer time now here’s how I I like to use blueberries I like to eat a handful of them in the morning just rinse them off always rinse off your blueberries organic as even better and then dry them off and just pop them into

your mouth all right uh that’s a great way or you can add them to some yogurt I always you whole fat yogurt you can also sprinkle them into a salad and if you’re a baker add them to muffins that would that those are easy ways to actually get blueberries into your system all right second incredible point I want to make is that eating blueberries reduces inflammation and the reason is that these bioactives the anth cyanin Pro anthocyanin and cortin are powerful reducers of whole body inflammation and we know that inflammation is responsible

as a root cause of many chronic diseases so it doesn’t matter what you got if you actually eat blueberries and reduce inflammation that’s actually going to be beneficial to your health and help you heal faster Okay the third point I want to make about eating blueberries is they actually improve your immune defenses as well and this is a really interesting one why do we want good immune defenses well protects us from infection from the outside world for example but a really good immunity also protects us from

cancer because our immune system conducts surveillance throughout our body and looks for abnormal cells like cancer cells and wipes them right out so it was a clinical study that was actually done at Louisiana State University where um they actually studied blueberries uh in the form of a smoothie versus a placebo of course that’s how a good clinical study is done what they did is they enrolled people who had metabolic syndrome now you may or may not have metabolic syndrome but a lot of people have metabolic syndrome

what is that well that’s a combination of high blood pressure high blood lipids like your cholesterol triglycerides high LDL bat cholesterol high blood sugars all right you know we talk about glucose spikes but actually what it is is that higher levels generally of your blood sugar and a big waistline because when you’re waistline is bigger it means you’re more stuffed with visceral inflammatory fat okay so they enrolled this one study enrolled people with the metabolic syndrome and they gave them

blueberries in the form of a smoothie how much they give just one and 1/2 cups of blueberry powder in this case um they put them in yogurt with a little bit of milk so what they did is they actually measured in the blood immune cells before and after um having the blueberry smoothies and guess what they found they found drinking the blueberry smoothie led to an 88% increase increase in special immune cells called myoid dendritic cells myoid dritic cells help protect against infection in contrast to people who had

the placebo smoothie No Blueberries had no increases in these special immune myoid dendritic cells hey if you’re enjoying the content in this video then you will love my resource on what I call the grand slammer food Foods these are the foods that support and activate all five of your body’s Health defense systems androgenesis regeneration microbiome DNA protection and your immune system all at the same time I put together a special guide describing these Grand slamming Foods just for my viewers and you can get it totally free

right now at the link in the caption below now back to the video the other thing that has been done to look at blueberries and their effect on immune system is that they studied the effect of blueberries on special immune cells called natural killer cells or enk cells now here’s the thing uh they studied them in people who uh were exercising now when you exercise you have a big surge in your immune cells very very briefly okay and then when you stop exercising you have a Plunge in your immune system all right a Plunge in your

a dip in your immune system so a clinical study was done looking at people who are physically fit and they wanted to see uh what the effect of eating blueberries were so they gave these people uh two cups just a little under two cups 1.7 cups of blueberries a day to eat every day for six weeks all right then they put them on an exercise test a treadmill and then they measured their blood before the blueberries uh before exercise and during exercise they actually had them before just before exercise they had them eating a little

bit more uh blueberries like almost three cups so an extra cup let’s call it and then they put them on the exercise system and they drew their blood outwards you know what they found they found that blueberry eaters had an increase in their natural killer cells just by eating blueberries so more defensive natural killing cells um these are immune cells uh just by eating blueberries and then after exercise instead of actually having a plunge of their natural killer cells blueberry eaters kept them um level so they

actually did not have a dip in their immunity so this actually shows that actually eating blueberry is good for lowering inflammation raising immunity good for metabolism shrinking waistline losing some weight and overall just making you more fit in every single sense of the word so hope you enjoyed watching this video and thanks for watching hi there if you enjoyed watching this video I know you’ll love the next one stay here and check it out and I’ll see you there

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