should you be drinking more cranberry juice if you just found out you had kidney disease stay tuned to find out thanks so much for so you never miss a new recipe or a new health tip my name is dr blake schusterman i’m a board certified kidney doctor and i’m also the cooking doc thank you so much for watching this week now if you watch every week you know that though i am a kidney doctor i am not your doctor
well i’m not most of your doctors so make sure you discuss any health changes medication changes diet changes with your regular physician nurse practitioner physician’s assistant etc etc so when people come to see me in the office they often tell me the same thing i’ve started drinking a lot more cranberry juice since i was told i have kidney disease does that work let’s talk about it so cranberry juice and cranberry supplements have certainly been studied extensively for their role in preventing
urinary tract infections the data on it is actually pretty mixed there are some studies that find that having high dose cranberry supplements can limit the amount of urinary tract infections for people who are at high risk there are other studies that show that it probably doesn’t make a difference for most people there is some physiologic possibility like a reason for this because there are some compounds in the cranberries that may work to prevent urinary tract infections from occurring but i think for the most part
people who would get benefit from that need to either drink so much cranberry juice or to take so many cranberry supplements that they will have side effects from either one of those things before they get to a level where they can actually have a benefit where it prevents urinary tract infections so here’s the other thing taking a lot of cranberry supplements or drinking a lot of cranberry juice to possibly get an effect for urinary tract infections doesn’t do anything for your kidney function your kidneys are filled with
all these tiny little filters called glomeruli and those filters get rid of waste products in your body and they keep the blood level balanced in all kinds of ways and cranberries have zero effect on those filters the reason that’s important is because those filters are the things that determine how well your kidneys are working what your kidney function is what stage kidney disease you have and we know for certain that cranberries have zero effect on that so if you are thinking about taking cranberries to
help protect your kidneys because you have chronic kidney disease then you can stop right now because i can tell you with certainty that it will not make a difference now there are lots of things that you can do with your diet to help your kidney disease i’ve tackled them before on other articles but quickly things are getting rid of your sugar-sweetened beverages managing your diabetes lowering your amount of animal protein eating less sodium eating more fruits and vegetables eating out less often so there are lots
cranberry juice is good for your kidneys for real let’s find out what’s up San Antonio and world I’m dr. Kostin butt and I’m a kidney doctor here to break down health in a simple way now do me a favor hit up that like share and subscribe button it’ll really help me out now one of the most common things I hear from my patients is that cranberry juice is good for your kidneys but it’s not really true well the basis of that stems from a little bit of truth you see for a long time cranberry juice have been
considered good for preventing UTIs urinary tract infections well urinary tract infections actually occur in the bladder which sits down in your pelvis and your kidneys they’re up higher in your back region and the evidence for cranberry juice preventing urinary tract infections is inconclusive meaning we just don’t know so Qasim why you hating on cranberry juice man because cranberry juice is loaded with sugar one 8-ounce glass has about 31 grams of sugar which is the equivalent of a can of soda and we all know what
sugar does it makes fat dude but on the other hand cranberries themselves are really good for you they’re packed with vitamin E vitamin C vitamin k1 manganese antioxidants and fiber so my advice for your overall health skip the cranberry juice and eat actual cranberries if you found this article helpful please like and share it and if you’ve got something to say leave comments in the comment section below and remember it’s your kidneys your health you