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Ayurvedic Guide to Properly Using Curd and Yogurt: Best Practices and Seasonal Tips

If you don’t know how to use curd or yogurt properly, then it’s better not to consume it. Avoid it. This means if you want to use curd or yogurt, you should know the right way to use it. Hi, my name is Dr. Vivek Joshi, and in this video, I’ll share with you what Ayurveda says about curd, the right way to use it, the right season to use it, and what we should avoid if we are consuming curd. This video is going to be very interesting. I say this in very few videos, or maybe this is the first time I’m saying this phrase. Anyway, let’s move to the point.

Everyone says that curd or yogurt is rich in probiotics and good for your gut health, so consume it. But what I have seen in my practice is that if kids are having problems with digestion, they are constipated, and even elders as well, and if we give them curd or yogurt, it doesn’t solve their issue, especially in the kids. Why is this happening? If it has lots of probiotics and good stuff that can help us in digestion, why are children not getting good effects from the use of curd? In this case, it’s better to see the Ayurvedic concept of consuming curd or yogurt.

Ayurveda says that if you use curd in the wrong way, it can cause constipation. That’s the side effect of using curd. Skin issues can happen: eczema, psoriasis, dandruff. These issues can happen, and this can happen to anyone—kids and elderly people as well. It can even cause herpes. Anemia can be caused because of the wrong use of curd. If you are suffering from anemia, then you should look at how much curd you are eating and how you are eating it. If a person is having any kind of bleeding—nose bleeding, piles, or a female suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding—this all can be because of the wrong use of curd. Even problems with the liver can occur if you are using curd in the wrong way.

The biggest myth about curd or yogurt is that it cools our body. That’s why people prefer using curd or yogurt in the summertime. But according to Ayurveda, curd or yogurt heats your body. That’s why you can notice the culture of using lots of yogurt in cold countries. If you go to Europe or colder areas where there is winter season eight months of the year, you will notice they have a huge culture of using curd or yogurt. Why? Because it heats your body. So don’t make the mistake of using curd in the summer.

According to Ayurveda, the seasons in which you should not consume curd are: first, summer; second, the October season when there is a shift in the climate or in the season; and third, spring, which is in March and April. In these times, avoid curd. In winter, use curd. If you want to use curd or yogurt with any herb, the best herb to use is amla (Indian Gooseberry). You can take the powder and mix it with curd or yogurt. Either you can consume amla just after consuming curd or yogurt, and this gives the best effects on your body. This will nourish your body, improve your immunity, and provide lots of antioxidants—lots and lots of good effects from using amla with curd or yogurt.

Now let’s look at the mistakes people make while using curd. The first mistake I have noticed is using curd at night. Try to avoid consuming curd or yogurt at night. The second is heating the curd. You might have seen lots of recipes where people heat the curd to make something special. Try to avoid these recipes because they can cause you health issues. The third is using just curd. Don’t decide to eat only curd because it’s healthy. You have to eat something with curd to make it more beneficial for you. The last one is using curd every single day. Every other day, or two to three times a week, is okay. But more than that, every day, don’t do it. It can cause some harm to your body.

Now, what is the best way to use curd? The best way to use curd is by adding a little bit of honey to it. Add honey, mix it, and then use the curd. You won’t have any of the side effects or harmful effects of curd because honey balances it. Another way is by adding a little bit of ghee (clarified butter) to it. Mix it with your curd or yogurt, and then you can consume it. In this way, it’s not going to be heavy for your body, and it will help with digestion. I have a whole video about ghee. If you are interested to know more about ghee, the right way to use it, and in which diseases how to use it, I’ll put the link down below of this video. You can have a look. But don’t add honey and ghee in the same portion in your curd. Either add honey or ghee.

Another best way to consume curd is by eating it with mung beans. You can make a soup or khichdi (a dish made with rice and lentils). You can search on the internet about khichdi. If you are making anything that has mung beans in it, then consuming curd with it is also one of the best options. Then it will be the best thing for your body because curd or yogurt goes well with mung beans.

So this was all about curd. I hope this video will be helpful for you. Share this information with your friends and family so that everyone gets more knowledge about Ayurveda and the right way to apply Ayurveda in our daily life. See you in the next video with a big smile. Until then, smile more, stay happy, stay healthy.

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