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The Powerful Health Benefits of Figs: A Forgotten Superfood

did you know that figs are one of the most important foods you can eat hi I’m a net reader the biblical nutritionists figs are a food that we often forget about but yet it’s so powerful in our health let me share with you why figs nutritionally can nourish and satisfy yourselves the fiber content and figs helps to balance blood sugar and promote satiety that means it’s important for everyone in all ages figs also are very key in helping to prevent diabetes this is why even our children should be

eating figs as a favorite snack figs can also they have some calcium in there and they affect they have a large amount of calcium that helps to build strong bones and children and for the older people it helps us sustain sustain let me see makes it right sustain bone density and adults now that’s all ages so if your bone density and strong bones and your children is of importance to you then we need to add a few figs into your diet now figs do more than that though figs have a potassium level that helps to

control blood pressure a lot of people out there at dealing with high blood pressure and yet we could add some figs into our diet the food that God designed to help protect us and we would reap the benefit of that but that’s not the key thing I want to share with you today figs have an iron content in them that helps to prevent anemia in fact they are the perfect food for pregnancy so if that’s someone if that’s you or someone you know who is pregnant or thinking about being pregnant you might want to

share with them the value of figs and how to add them into your diet now figs have more there’s more to come they even have a high b6 content now give you a second to think about that what do is b6 good for do you remember well b6 is good for your memory yes and it actually also helps to reduce stress especially if you’re losing your memory so anyway that’s just you know just many of the things that things are good for but yet I’m not telling you everything you’re just gonna have to go and enjoy

them and your body will recognize the value of figs as soon as you start eating them as I think about these details I wish I could just go back 20 or 30 years and add figs into my diet it was a food I never knew to eat I never even thought of and it just didn’t seem as good as the cookies that I was consuming well I always want to share with you there are ways to add figs into your diet and I just I have a package here you can get them depending on the season they’re more prevalent in the grocery store during the winter months so

November December January February that’s when you’re gonna find them the most you’ll find them dried you’ll find them packaged you could put them into anything you can put them on top of a salad you could add them into your out meal in fact we focused on figs a couple of years ago on Facebook and we did several different recipes we did fig spaghetti that was interesting I even made my own blueberry Fig Newtons I’m kind of a lot of work but the taste the flavor was amazing and then we also

made an apple fig crumble so we still have these recipes put together for you there on our website designed healthy living calm in the recipes section just two free downloads I’m going enjoy them so you can find these figs you like I said most of the time during the winter months November through January you might even have a fig tree growing in your yard I know I do in fact I planted the tree because I wanted to have all the seven foods that are part of Sept the seven blessings that God said that this diet the

Promised Land diet is what I called it I wanted to experience all of them firsthand in my own yard and the first year I planted the fig tree I had two figs and I was so excited well I kept watching and waiting for it to get right and sure enough it was almost ripe and I went out there and one of the figs were gone I know mr.

squirrel had already grabbed one so I grabbed the other one so at least I would get half of my produce anyway the figs that you throw in your own yard they’re very plentiful very bountiful you know they just produce well I live in Virginia but they they grow well all around the country so let me encourage you start your own fig tree and and get these for yourself so besides putting them on salads and all the different recipe ideas that you can do with FIGS and I told you they’re part of the Promised Land diet the seven foods with seven blessings it just shows

how God cares about your body he already put all of these nutrients in the figs so that you could benefit his promises and that promiseland diet go beyond the food I’d like for you to check that out on my other article about the seven foods and seven blessings in the promised land diet until then I’m a net reader the biblical nutritionist and is always my joy to be with you here and to share with you that it is my mission to keep you on mission thank you for joining us be sure and add your comments down below

or wherever they’re located and also share with us your favorite ways to enjoy figs thank you very much

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