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“Cantaloupe: The Juicy Summer Delight You Need”

I’m gonna pull a card out of athlean x’s Playbook here and I’m going to see that melon is killing your gains or killing your fat loss all right not really don’t get me wrong okay if you had a choice of eating a little bit of melon or eating a bag of potato chips go for the melon it’s funny though if you go to some kind of a restaurant and you pay the extra three dollars to have a side of fruit instead of hash browns they’re gonna give you a bunch of cantaloupe and a bunch of honeydew and maybe a couple of

grapes pretty much the most useless fruit that you could have now I am not here to demonize melon but what I am here to do is provide a solution and help you understand why melon is kind of a waste and why it’s wrongfully being put on this weird pedestal lately so let’s go ahead and dive into that if you were under stress you have to try this new product from qualia it’s called qualia resilience it is all about thriving under stress okay so it has compounds in there to help you adapt to stress so much that you can feel it in

minutes so it’s not just about a long-term play it does have a long-term play but it also affects you within minutes so you can deal with more stressful situations you can almost feel your body adapt to that stressor it also helps you recover faster from the stress so it has compounds in it that might actually help your brain with the perception of stress and feel like maybe it’s not as under low it’s a really cool you know qualia has been on the Forefront with a lot of different nootropic products before but now this

new resilience is taking it to a different level it’s less about lighting up the brain and more about allowing you to rise to the occasion so to speak it really is what they would call a recipe for mental toughness so really helps you with that mental Clarity because if your mind is clear you have more mental toughness if you’re foggy you don’t make the best decisions right it’s just like if you’re foggy when you go to the gym it just doesn’t work but if you’re clear you can execute and actually get what

you need to get done they also have 100 money back guarantee as always so if you’re not satisfied with it you can totally return it absolutely no issue so I’ve been taking it for about two and a half months now sort of irregularly just when I feel like I need it and I definitely can say I notice a difference when I am under stress so I put a link down below for a special discount use that code that is in the description that code will save you a few bucks so you can try out qualia resilience and really get a new kick in the pants and

how you tackle your days check them out down below okay so there was a study that was published in the journal ACTA Horticulture a it looked at different fruits and it looked at the polyphenol content and this is a very important thing because when you look at macronutrients the basic carbohydrates basic sugar things like that you could look at melon already and say okay melon has a little bit of a problem right like there’s a lot of sugar in it but then the other side of the coin says well there’s nutritional value there there’s actually

some micronutrients so what’s the problem with melon well the problem is that for the amount of glycemic index just like scale that you have high glycemic carbohydrates high glycemic fruit you’re not getting a whole lot in return so even Dr David Sinclair recently had talked about consuming cantaloupe or consuming melon because he feels like it has these really important polyphenols or antioxidant compounds that are good for longevity that’s kind of like I like David Sinclair I’m not like trying to bag on it but that’s

almost like saying that you’re going to get your allotment of Resveratrol by eating a handful of grapes okay it goes a lot further than that so this particular study took a look at lots of fruits to give context it found that berries okay in this particular case talk about strawberries and then we go on looking at raspberries things like that found that strawberries have a total polyphenol content of 263.

8 okay you know where melon fell it fell at the bottom of the list at 7.8 7.8 compared to 263.8 in equal volume of fruit so if we were trying to extract polyphenol content out of this melon we would have to eat 30 or 40 times the amount even more maybe 50 times the amount to like get ourselves any reasonable amount of polyphenols compared to berries does this mean that melons are just they’re evil and they’re put on Earth to make us miserable no it just means there’s better options for different things now with raspberries in particular I highly suggest you opt for

raspberries okay you can get by with a lot less and you’re gonna also have less carbohydrate impact okay there’s barely any fiber in melons but there’s eight grams of fiber in a cup of raspberries compared to even three grams of fiber in a cup of strawberries I know raspberries are a little more expensive but since you can get by with less you could model it out so it fits your budget here’s what’s interesting about raspberries okay raspberries interesting study I was published in nutritional biochemistry

took a look at mice that had insulin resistance they made mice insulin resistant by putting them on a bad diet and then what they did is they put them on a standard American diet okay which is we all know as garbage diet okay for 12 weeks they did this one group standard American diet another group standard American diet plus raspberries The Raspberries brought their glucose levels back down and The Raspberries also brought their insulin levels back down and even brought them out of the insulin resistant range now why is this

happening it has to do with a couple of things one the fiber content obviously plays a role but there are also things called tannins which I’ve talked about in various article these tannins actually block something called Alpha amylase which is an enzyme that breaks down starches so other carbohydrates that we eat break down a little slower thereby not spiking our glucose as high which for people that are insulin resistant that’s a problem if you’re healthy a spike in glucose isn’t the end of the

world because insulin will do its job and bring it down but if you’re like over 50 of the population that is dealing with insulin resistance this is a problem and the more that you can attenuate that the more that you can kind of drag it out the more that you can potentially come back from that situation the other piece is that when you look at antioxidant components there’s obviously different mechanisms okay the tannins can slow down carbohydrate absorption but the antioxidants can also affect enzymes too and the antioxidants can

also affect inflammation which plays a huge role in chronic pain but usual and weight loss and all those kinds of things so when you look at all of these different pieces fiber macronutrient ratio overall polyphenol content antioxidant content it doesn’t make sense to be eating a bunch of melon and then when you look at watermelon for example watermelon has a glycemic index skill of 80 that’s higher than table sugar now context is everything table sugar is going to have a higher glycemic load because you’re going to get more in

a tablespoon than you would and say like a cup of watermelon but it’s still very high glycemic and for someone that is being conscious of that that is not exactly the path to go so not all fruits are created equal just because it’s a fruit and a whole food doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for you so you do need to be careful because melons might be killing your gains I’ll see you tomorrow

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