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The Surprising Health Benefits of Strawberries

hey guys dr. meadow here welcome back to my channel health flares so today I’m really excited cuz we’re gonna be discussing one of my favorite and most fun fruit simple strawberries so aside from its beautiful red color and the texture you know that crunchy sea feeling and the weight taste there are three awesome benefits that I fit none of you know one anti-clotting to anti gout and three bad cholesterol lowering so these are really important things for those of you out there that have some of these kind of conditions so

we’ll start now for number one anti-clotting so what is anti-clotting mean so we all know strawberries are antioxidants and they’re really good for you but a lot of studies have now shown that it can also help make your blood thinner by making platelets not clump together what are platelets okay so in your blood you have a lot of different cells you have red cells you have white cells and you have platelets platelets are kind of like little fragmented pieces that kind of float around and sometimes it can get stuck together and

then they stick to the wall of one of your arteries and it creates a clump of blood within your artery so this doesn’t sound too bad but it’s actually pretty dangerous because if for whatever reason that little clump were to detach from the wall and now traveling your blood stream it can go to your brain and cause a stroke it can go to your lungs and cause what is known as a pulmonary embolism and you can go to your heart and cause death of one of your heart areas it can cause a heart attack so these are very dangerous conditions I

know a lot of patients nowadays are on blood thinners and they don’t really understand why this is so important and this is why is it is important to take those medications but what if you could take a simple berry and help reduce your risk of these events I’m not saying hey now I’m eating strawberries all day every day and so I’m never taking my blood thinner again let’s throw that away no don’t do that but supplement your diet with these strawberries and see affects you always tell your doctor

because in the event that your blood does get too thin maybe or maybe not but maybe your doctor might decrease the amount of blood thinner you are taking so this is really beneficial because if you don’t want to be taking all these medications there might be a chance you won’t have to but we’re not really sure so just like I said eat the strawberries for the taste and then you’ll get that little extra added benefit of the anti clogging properties okay let me get these strawberries back in the cameras

of you because they’re so gorgeous and beautiful okay number two they’re anti gout for those of you who don’t know what gout is I’ll tell you it is basically too much uremic acid in your blood and this can be caused by alcohol consumption eating too many meats for too many proteins because protein kind of gets degraded into uremic acid so this is why if you eat too many of these things or drink too much alcohol they can cause elevated levels or you make acid and if your body is not kind of degrading that enough it

can deposit as crystals in your joints ouch so what are the symptoms of gout basically the most common joint it affects is the the joint right on your big toe so it’s uncomfortable because you can’t even put shoes on you can’t walk you can’t mobilize it it’s debilitating it becomes inflamed it’s angry it’s swollen it’s tender it’s painful there’s nothing you can do to make it better unless you take medication and like I said yeah taking medication is great but if you can eat a

simple berry and help your Goudy flares go down why wouldn’t you I know I would okay number three it lowers your bad cholesterol okay so I’m gonna put these strawberries down while I explain a few key terms here so I don’t lose everyone when I first started medical school it was very difficult to keep up with these crazy words so I’m gonna make it pretty simple so everyone can understand exactly what I’m saying you have oxidation everyone’s always saying these things are antioxidant these things are antioxidant but I don’t

think a lot of people understand what antioxidant really does for you so oxidation think of it as damaged so when something gets oxidated in Spanish the word is oxidized it basically means something gets rusted rust is damaged rust is bad so think of oxidation as something that is not good for your body especially especially if you have high amounts of LDL what’s healthy up LDL is another way of saying low-density lipoprotein but another way of saying it a more simpler way of saying is that cholesterol okay

LDL bad cholesterol so what happens is that if LDL gets damaged or oxidized it basically creates these plaques that attach to you arterial walls why is this bad so when your blood is through flowing through there think of it as a highway okay when your blood is traveling in the highway of your arteries and all of a sudden you have a little bump on one of the sides then the blood kind of has to go around and maybe less blood flows through there so then it can continue flowing the problem is that when you have too much of that

narrowing were ever organ that blood is trying to get to can get damaged in an area of it can die it’s called ischemia it means that it’s not getting sufficient blood flow and this is exactly what happens in heart attacks an ischemic event is a heart attack and it can either just injure your heart or it can kill the area of your heart entirely so this is why LDL is so dangerous and so bad so the last thing I want to give you a vocabulary information I guess is HDL HDL is not internet-service it’s high density lipoprotein this is

good cholesterol this is what you want this will protect you this is great because HDL kind of helps trade LDL for other good stuff so this is why HDL is really important so what is it about strawberries now that can help lower this cholesterol so because it’s an antioxidant it means that it’s going to prevent the bad cholesterol from forming those plaques on your arteries and so it’s gonna prevent your arteries from narrowing and this is extremely beneficial to you so I know that this is usually not as lengthy as my other

articles but I thought it was really important to give everyone out there a little more information on why these berries are so important and aside for them being so colorful and delicious they’re actually extremely good for your health so for those of you who love these three fun facts and want to share with someone but you know a lot of you don’t want to watch the article again but you like reading a lot guess what it’s not my blog so the link is down below you guys can go straight to that link and you know read as much as you want I

talk about a lot of other cool fruits on there and some veggies and some really good healthy habits if there’s a fruit that you love in your country that maybe they don’t sell here in the States let me know and I’ll do my research and I’ll post something about that one too so if you guys have any questions or concerns feel free to let me know contact me follow me on Twitter on Instagram on Pinterest I post them there all the time you can interact with me on my daily events through Instagram I post

tons of stories I’m like obsessed now that I know how to do them so you guys can definitely interact with me through there I answer your private messages as well so you know feel free to hit me a message so like I said subscribe subscribe subscribe the fight is down below don’t forget I’ll see you guys next week I wonder what I’ll talk about then bye

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