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The Miracle Fruit: The Health Benefits of Pineapple

The pineapple, that miracle fruit, has so many medicinal healing properties for the health of your body. It’s loaded with many vitamins and minerals and has so much fiber. It’s been known to help colds and coughs, strengthen bones, aid in digestion, and is good for your eyes. It reduces the symptoms of arthritis, can prevent hypertension, and reduces the risk of blood clots. It contains many antioxidants, can prevent nausea, help with stress, give you energy, help your acne, as well as thicken your hair.

You’re probably wondering what it is in this pineapple that has so many different healing properties for the health and wealth of our body. There is an enzyme called bromelain, and bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme. It helps digest proteins. Now, think about this: everything in our body is made up of proteins – our hair, our nails, our skin, our muscles. Bromelain also has amazing strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to help reduce sinusitis, osteoarthritis inflammation, and autoimmune problems. It has anti-cancerous effects, helps enhance your digestion, cleanses the arteries, and lowers blood pressure. If you’re also looking to lose weight and shed those pounds, the enzyme in bromelain can increase the speed at which the body digests fats.

So let’s get to the nuts and bolts. You take your pineapple, put it in your mouth, and start chewing on it. It may be nice, cold, and sweet. While chewing on that fiber, some people may experience a tingling sensation. This is quite common. What’s happening is the bromelain in the pineapple is starting to digest the mucous membranes in your mouth, including your lips, cheeks, and tongue. You may notice after eating a lot of pineapple or chewing it for a long time, your mouth becomes very sensitive, and sometimes you may get a little sore. It may become raw. Pineapple has citric acid along with bromelain. It’s not the citric acid that causes the burning; it’s the bromelain that’s digesting the proteins of the mucosa in your mouth because that’s made up of protein. That’s what’s causing the skin or mucosa inside of your mouth to feel sore and tender.

The irritation you’re experiencing in your mouth will go away within a couple of hours, and at most, maybe by the next morning. Most of you won’t even have that irritation. If you are sensitive to pineapple, a little trick for you is to eat it with another protein. If you eat it with yogurt, the enzymes in the pineapple will start working on the yogurt as well as your mouth, but you probably will not experience any symptoms at all. This is very important. There are two sides to bromelain: one side is if you eat the bromelain with other foods, particularly proteins, your digestion is going to be much better because this is a proteolytic enzyme that digests proteins. Great for digestion. But if you take the enzyme by itself in between meals, it will look for other proteins, like scar tissue or problems in the arteries. That’s how it can help clean your arteries and get rid of scar tissue, maybe in your joints, because the proteases or the proteolytic enzymes are looking for proteins. If there’s food, it will digest the food, but if there’s no food, it will start digesting scar tissue and other conditions that you may be experiencing.

So, I hope you enjoyed this article. Now you understand how powerful the pineapple really is. Please share this article with your friends and family. Leave your comments below because there will be many. And most important, make it a great day. I’m Dr. Alan Mandell.

when you throw away the pineapple peels you throw away a lot of vitamins antioxidants and a natural help for digestion and a portion of food that makes your bones strong surely you can’t Munch all the pineapple peels but there is a great way to enjoy its benefits today we will learn how to make Apache the refreshing Mexican fermented pineapple drink made from Pineapple leftovers with sugar and optionally some spices it is a refreshing drink that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a base for your summer cocktails my name is

shrikant Singh and Welcome to our Channel happy belly fish making tepachi is really simple but it is not just another sugary drink the pineapple peels that are usually considered as a food waste contains a lot of minerals and vitamins while many fruits can be eaten with their skin pineapple peels cannot be eaten as it is moreover this drink is fermented which acts as an excellent source of probiotics to make the Apache you will need one ripe pineapple or brown sugar 2 cinnamon sticks which is roughly the size of your finger one teaspoon of

cloves 4 cups of water a large mixing bowl or a jar or a pitcher in which you will make the tepachi a piece of cloth or a cheese cloth to cover the ferments and if you do not have spices you can still make this Apache and it will taste just as great and here is how you make it so the first step is to cut the pineapple Begin by cutting off the top and the bottom of the pineapple next cut off the skin of the pineapple and make sure you remove all the ice like how I am doing a few people struggle to cut pineapple which is why

I’m showing how I do it removing this prickly Thorns that you have which is also called as eyes is necessary otherwise they will give you a sore throat and may even get stuck between your teeth and it’s quite an unpleasant experience now cut the pineapple into half and remove the core the core is hard to eat and it’s not as juicy and if you have a weak digestion then you must avoid heating this cold in some recipes tepachi is made with the entire pineapple but in this recipe I am going to use just the Peels and the core

of it now you can cut the juicy part of the pineapple into small pieces and set aside to eat later here I have the pineapple pieces that I will eat and here are the Peels and you can see how much they are you must have a good sharp knife when cutting the pineapple and that makes a job very easy the second step is to make the tepachi base so in a large cup combine two cups of water with one cup of piluncio or jaggery stir until the sugar is dissolved now those who are wondering what this brown block of thing is it is a raw form of pure

cane sugar that is unrefined pilonchio or jaggery is not an ordinary refined sugar it is packed with a lot of minerals and vitamins and in most people who are not diabetic this does more good than harm now that the preparation is over let’s move on to the third step add the pineapple peels to a large bowl and if you don’t have a bowl like I said before you can even use a jar but do not use metallic containers for fermentation now add the tepachi base or the sugar syrup that you have just made and now it

is up to you if you wish you can add some cinnamon and a teaspoon of cloves if you do not have spices don’t worry you can still make it now add two more cups of water or more but the point here is that you need to make sure that the peels are fully submerged in the Apache base cover the jar with a piece of cloth or cheese cloth and secure it you can even use a rubber band or thread to do it this will allow the Apache to breathe while keeping out any debris or insects so in these three steps we have come so

far to actually making the tafachi but you have to wait a little while and that’s your step for fermentation so leave the jar at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours during this time that Apache will start to ferment and you will notice that the bubbles are forming and the liquid will become a little cloudy on the top the longer you leave the Apache to ferment the stronger the flavor will be so taste the Apache after 24 hours to see if it has reached your desired level of sweetness and fermentation if it is not sweet enough

you can also add more sugar at this point and while it ferments and you’re waiting in anticipation of this lovely drink remember to hit the like button and subscribe to our Channel when you are satisfied with the level of fermentation that this drink has reached then you move on to the step 5 which is to strain and chill the string remove the cloth or this cheesecloth that is covering this bowl and pour the liquid through a strainer into a clean pitcher or jar discard the pineapple pieces and spices you do not want this fermentation to go

on at room temperature forever till the Apache in refrigerator and this should easily last for about three days and I think it’s so delicious that it might actually be over before you even notice it serve the tepachi in beautiful glasses over rice you can also garnish this Apache with a slice of fresh pineapple or with a slice of lemon or even some pieces of Ginger and to add some extra flavor and kick you can also add some chili flakes tepachi is a refreshing and a unique drink that is perfect for warm weather or anytime when

you want or you’re missing The Taste of Mexico this drink is excellent especially during hot summers When We crave something that is cold and refreshing it is also nutritious a drink that kids will enjoy a lot and what I love about this drink the most is that it saves a lot of that portion of food that would have otherwise gone to waste thank you for watching this video I hope you have enjoyed learning about this refreshing Mexican ring and we’ll try it at home and yes don’t forget to like And subscribe for more delicious recipes

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