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13 Amazing Benefits and Uses of Cucumbers

i’ll have to admit when i started this research on this article i did not know all the uses and benefits of cucumbers stay to the end of this article i guarantee a couple of these are gonna surprise you and i think you’re gonna fall in love with cucumbers just as much as i did doing the research to talk to you about this 13 amazing benefits and uses of cucumbers number one cucumbers contain most of the vitamins that you need every single day just one cucumber b1 b2 b3 b5 b6 folic acid vitamin c calcium iron magnesium phosphorus potassium zinc

so many vitamins and minerals just in this one simple vegetable that’s actually technically a fruit that i found out in my research as well if you feel tired in the afternoon put down the caffeinated soda or the afternoon coffee and pick up a cucumber cucumbers are a good source of those b vitamins that we just talked about and of electrolytes so they can provide that quick pick-me-up with a small amount of carbohydrates low amount but just a little bit with those b vitamins and with those electrolytes it can re-energize you and your cells

and it can last for several hours number three do you have high blood sugar if you do cucumbers have been shown in studies to lower blood sugar by helping your pancreas produce insulin they also found that it lowers ldl cholesterol side note number four i don’t know if i’ll necessarily use this one but if your bathroom mirror is fogging up and you’re tired of it like after a shower you take a slice of cucumber rub it across the mirror before you shower and the chemicals that it gives off will eliminate the fog and

it kind of maybe produces a little bit of soothing spa like fragrance fragrance as well give that one a try late in the day just finished a business meeting realizing your breath is not good if you suffer from halitosis aka bad breath you may want to consider eating cucumber instead of reaching for a sugary mint or something with some kind of toxins in it the phytochemicals in cucumbers can kill bacteria they enhance the saliva in your mouth that gets rid of the bacteria that causes bad breath and cavity so eating a

slice after a cup of coffee or a meal that’s going to make your breath bad will help you to have fresh breath the rest of the day cellulites looking for a fast way to get rid of it especially if you’re going to go to the pool or you need to look good try taking a little slice of cucumber and rubbing it on the area where you have the cellulite the problematic area just for a couple of minutes and the phytochemicals in the cucumbers cause the collagen in your skin to tighten it prevents the breakdown of the elastin

that’s in the skin so it firms up the outer layer and it reduces the visibility of the cellulite works great for wrinkles too drink a little too much want to avoid a hangover or even a terrible headache eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and you wake up refreshed and headache-free cucumbers contain enough sugar in a good form carbohydrates right b vitamins we need a little bit of carbohydrates we need these vitamins to get restored and the electrolytes like magnesium to replenish the essential nutrients that the body loses when we

make bad choices with alcohol or if we’re dehydrated we’re not getting enough of these nutrients inside of our body it helps keep everything in equilibrium magnesium is one of the most powerful electrolytes to fight off a hangover or a headache in the first place if you are an afternoon or evening binger of snacks you’re looking to fight that off cucumbers have been shown and used for centuries all the way back to uh histories of european trappers and traders and explorers they would use it quickly to starve off their hunger and

and forward it off when they were working really hard because cucumbers are nearly 96 water they’re very low calorie they won’t spike your insulin levels levels they make a really good snack because they make you feel filled up because of the amount of water in it but they don’t take that hit against your metabolism and gets your weight loss goals number nine this one i have to admit i haven’t tried but if you have important business meeting the phytochemicals inside of a cucumber can be used to

polish your shoes yep it’s the chemical inside of it provides a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but it can repel water as well so typically go for a shoe shine but if you’re in a pinch grab a cucumber out of wd-40 at your house you can use a cucumber to fix squeaky hinges wd-40 is super toxic anyway the smell of it touching it on your skin a lot of toxicity with it try a cucumber instead and run it along the hinge and get a little bit of the juices in there and that problematic hinge voila the squeak

is gone feeling stressed out don’t have a time for a massage or a facial or a spa treatment or whatever it is try juicing a cucumber that’s right juicing i know you could do this earlier in the day and take it with you for when you are stressed out during the day but the chemicals and the nutrients from the cucumber especially being high in potassium and magnesium have been shown to reduce stress and lower your blood pressure juicing a cucumber looking for a green way to clean your sink or your you know

your faucets or stainless steel good option to try would be a slice of cucumber rubbing it on the surface it removes some of the tarnish that’s on there and brings back the shine just like it would for your shoes and it won’t leave the streaks and you don’t have all these chemicals and things on your fingers while you’re cleaning put cucumber in your cleaning regimen finally if you live with little kiddos just like i do and you get the marker on the wall or the pen on the wall or something you write with isn’t where

it’s supposed to be this definitely happens you can actually take the outside of a cucumber and rub it on the area the outside the skin of it and slowly use it to erase the pen or erase even markers or crayons in certain scenarios on walls that shouldn’t have been decorated in the first place cucumbers are amazing wouldn’t you agree share this with someone and share the amazing benefits of cucumbers and if you’re looking for a way to make getting this into your body easier this next article is the one i put for you to learn

how to juice it and i think that’s one of the best ways you can get all the benefits from a health perspective of cucumbers they produce a ton of juice and they’re very reasonable to buy a lot of you even have these growing like crazy in your gardens depending what time of year it is that you’re watching this but i would learn how to juice them and by themselves they’re fantastic or you can make other vegetables with it i put that article on how to make that juice right from the beautiful nurse living good

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