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Optimizing Tomato Consumption: Best and Worst Food Pairings for Health Benefits

did you know eating tomato with certain foods can lead to cancer and dementia Tomatoes which are healthy can be paired with foods that enhance or worsen their benefits it’s important to eat tomatoes the right way to get their health benefits pairing them with the wrong foods can harm your health instead so today we’re going to find out three foods that are the worst to eat with tomatoes and three that are the best all to help prevent cancer and dementia hello everyone I’m your Dr John are there still some of you who haven’t

subscribed hit the Subscribe and like right now please share this article with your loved ones and introduce them to your do John I promise that I will keep bringing you the best health information when we eat we do not just consume one ingredient in every dish ingredients complement each other’s flavors and nutrients but just because the flavors match well it doesn’t mean that the nutrients do too eating foods with bad combinations can harm your body and might even lead to serious issues like cancer and

dementia every natural ingredient has its own beneficial nutrients knowing them well and including them in your diet is the best habit for your health your Dr John will always be here for your healthier habits and happier lives today’s star is the Tomato ranked among the top 10 superfoods by Time Magazine a true Miracle food tomatoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin C pottassium and dietary fiber they’re lopine and antioxidant there’s even a fun saying that goes when tomatoes ripen red doctors turn pale implying that eating

tomatoes keeps you healthy enough to stay away from doctors but wait did you know that even with health boosting Tomatoes there are foods that can harm your health when eating together so let’s find out together we’ll look at the three worst foods to eat with tomatoes that could negatively impact and the three best foods to pair with tomatoes first off the absolute worst combination with tomatoes is sugar are you surprised on hot summer days it’s not uncommon to sprinkle a generous amount of sugar on tomatoes add some ice and

enjoy them sweetly or even pickle them in sugar but let me tell you sugar and tomatoes are a terrible match this is because sugar destroys the nutritional value of tomatoes even if you’re eating them for health sprinkling sugar on top negates all benefits when we eat the body uses vitamin B to break down sugar so when you sprinkle sugar on tomatoes it uses up the vitamin B in the tomatoes reducing the amount that gets absorbed by our body moreover the intake of sugar raises blood sugar levels which is an even

bigger problem we all know sugar is bad for our health right of course having Tomatoes sprinkled with a bit of sugar once in a while isn’t a problem however our diet isn’t about just one food item it’s about the bigger picture the issue arises when we consume refined carbohydrates and sugar raising meals regularly and then top it off with sugary foods for dessert according to data analyze by the FDA regarding our national sugar intake we’re already exceeding the recommended amounts in our regular

meals in the habit of having sweet desserts is causing our yearly sugar consumption to seriously Spike frequently consuming Foods loaded with sugar can actually shrink your brain especially the hippocampus which is the center of memory guess what happens when your brain shrinks since the hippocampus is crucially related to brain functions such as reasoning planning judgment and memory this definitely increases the risk of dementia and Beyond type 2 diabetes it can even raise the risk of cancer for the sake of your health it’s

crucial to cut down on sugar intake starting today so how should we enjoy Tomatoes the first best food combination I recommend with tomatoes is surprisingly salt sounds a bit strange doesn’t it you might be thinking sugar and salt both are bad for health and should be reduced of course consuming them in large amounts is not really good but pairing tomatoes with a little salt is beneficial especially since tomatoes are very rich in vitamin C which is essential for collagen production and fighting cancer not only only does it protect

your health but it also keeps your skin healthy and Youthful however the issue is that the vitamin C in tomatoes easily oxidizes when it comes into contact with oxygen in the air sprinkling salt on the cut surface of tomatoes creates a thin barrier that helps prevent the oxidation of vitamin C still worried about sodium and blood pressure tomatoes are very rich in potassium which lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases when you sprinkle salt on tomatoes it balances out the pottassium

and sodium leading to a positive effect on cell and energy metabolism furthermore the salt sprinkled on tomatoes is expelled from the body through the diuretic action of pottassium doesn’t significantly increase blood pressure or cause other side effects feel feel free to enjoy it without worry secondly the absolute no-go when it comes to pairing with tomatoes is spinach you might think it’s beneficial to eat foods rich in vitamin C like tomatoes with iron rich spinach especially if you have anemia or

diabetes and you’re right however for those with weak kidneys this combination is particularly harmful the issue lies with oxalates Tomatoes which can accumulate calcium in the body are rich in oxalates and when it comes to oxalates spinach is perhaps the most notorious Source even if you’re not familiar with the name you probably know that spinach should always be blanched in boiling water before eating when oxalates bind with calcium in the blood they form small sharp crystals that accumulate in the body and can lead to

Stones this can cause muscle pain reduced muscle strength and even lead to kidney stones and cancer blanching or boiling can effectively remove oxalates so those with weak kidneys should make sure to cook spinach and Tomatoes This Way pay attention here there’s an even bigger reason not to mix tomatoes and spinach iron and spinach can interfere with the absorption of lopine from Tomatoes The Reason tomatoes are hailed as a superfood is precisely because of this lopine content lopine is a miraculous ingredient that acts as a powerful

antioxidant reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body and preventing cancer research has shown that lopine has incredible effects in preventing various cancers including lung prostate breast and colon cancer it’s also great for vascular Health offering protection against arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases however according to research from an American Medical Team consuming tomatoes with spinach can cut the absorption rate of this miraculous ingredient lopine by half so from now on it’s best to avoid

eating tomatoes and spinach together in instead of spinach the second best food combination I recommend with tomatoes is the king of proteins meat in fact Tomatoes pair wonderfully with all proteins including eggs meat and tofu while tomatoes are packed with vitamins beta carotene lopine and minerals there’s just one thing they lack the protein pairing them with high quality proteins perfectly complements their nutritional profile among these meat in particular is highly recommended hold on a moment are there

any of you who believe consuming meat is bad for your health not at all as you age it’s essential to include meat in your diet the main reason is protein protein is a crucial component of our body forming cells muscles enzy and hormones a lack of protein intake can lead to harming your dental health by receding gums or causing hair loss and an inability to produce enough immune cells or antibodies to fight diseases of course beans and tofu are excellent sources of protein but plant-based proteins often lack essential amino acids or have them

in smaller quantities animal proteins like meat are much more easily absorbed by the body than plant-based proteins making them increasingly important as digestion weakens with age moreover protein affects not just the muscles in our body but also the muscles in our mind tryptophan found in meat is a precursor to serotonin known as the happiness hormone making it excellent for depression and mental health especially the vitamin B found in pork activates brain functions preventing dementia but pay attention here there’s

one issue with consuming such beneficial meat our body’s fluids Are alkaline while meat is acidic this is where our star the Tomato comes into play Tomatoes being a representative alkaline food when eaten with acidic meat greatly Aid in protein digestion and reduce stomach dress making them a perfect match plus the rich fiber content in tomatoes helps maintain a regular digestive system and prevents constipation ensuring gastrointestinal Health the third worst tomato based food for your health is tomato ketchup

ketchup is the most famous sauce often pair with fries or processed foods while these foods are problematic in themselves ketchup adds to the issue a single tablespoon of ketchup contains about 4 g of sugar which is more than what’s found in many chocolate snacks but that’s not all a closer look at the nutritional content of ketchup reveals it’s full of high fructose corn syrup salt synthetic colorants and spices including numerous sweeteners and food additives some people believe that ketchup containing tomatoes is healthier

compared to other sauces however the tomatoes and ketchup due to processing in various additives have already had their nutrients destroyed so the third and ultimate pairing I recommend with tomatoes is definitely olive oil here’s an interesting tip Tomatoes actually offer more health benefits when cooked rather than eaten raw this is because heating Tomatoes breaks down their cell walls allowing the antioxidant lopine to dissolve more easily now here’s the kicker you can dramatically increase the absorption of lopine by up to nine times

simply by cooking tomatoes and olive oil lopine loves fat because it’s fat soluble meaning it’s absorbed much better with fats an olive oil rich in Omega-3s is the perfect companion olive oil’s OIC acid is a good fat that helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and protect your heart it also helps increase the good HDL cholesterol keeping your heart and blood vessels healthy plus the polyenals and olive oil create a powerful Synergy with tomatoes lopine turning this combo into a top-notch cancer fighter tomatoes are special because the

way you cook them changes their nutritional value eat tomatoes raw for vitamin C or cook them to get even more lopine benefits so whether you’re adding fresh tomatoes to a salad with some olive oil or cooking them always use olive oil to get the most benefits so far we’ve explored three foods that are the worst to pair with tomatoes and three that are the best then it’s time to summarize skip the sugar with tomatoes and go for a Sprinkle of salt instead instead of pairing them with oxalate Rich spinach opt for protein

packed meats and ditch the tomato ketchup in favor of cooking with olive oil how does that sound I hope by choosing the right companions for the nutritious tomato and preparing them well you’ll Safeguard your health thank you so much for having fun with me if you found today’s guide helpful don’t forget to subscribe and hit the like button and please do share this article with your loved ones I’ll always be here praying for your health and happiness this has been your Dr John thank you.

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