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Exploring the Effects of Eating Honey Daily for 30 Days: Myths, Benefits, and Scientific Insights

Hello Health Champions. Today we’re going to talk  about what would happen if you started eating   honey every day for 30 days and honey is very very  popular for starters it’s part of our language we   talk about the land of milk and honey we talk  about things being as sweet as honey and we say   hey come here honey and honey has been around  for a very long time it’s part of our culture   and it goes back thousands of years it used to be  known as the food of the Gods honey was also the 

original sweetener because our ancestors didn’t  have anything else that was really sweet besides   honey they used to have some occasional fruit but  honey was way way sweeter than that and when I say   ancestors I’m going to qualify that because people  leave comments so with ancestor I’m not talking   about your grandpa I’m talking about going back  tens of thousands of years pre historic humans who   were hunters and gatherers they did not have any  other sweetener and the other thing about honey 

is that it’s the first processed sweetener it’s  the first processed food really and even though   it is completely natural in the sense that we find  it in nature and we don’t do anything with it the   bees have processed honey so we start out with a  flower and flower nectar and then the bee comes to   visit that and sucks up the flower nectar and then  they have enzymes that break down that nectar into   simple sugars and then they concentrate it and  evaporate it and it turns into honey and these 

little bees they really deserve some respect they  work like nobody else as a result in our language   again we have the word worker be or busy be to  denote someone who works very hard all the time   and did you know that in order to make just one  pound of honey which is 454 grams it takes over   two million flowers so the bees have to make two  million trips to gather nectar to make even just   one pound of honey and in the process of gathering  all that nectar they travel the equivalent of more 

than once around the world not only that but you  should think about this when you enjoy that little   jar of honey that a single Bee makes less than  one gram of honey in a lifetime but this goes   Way Beyond just honey because we actually depend  on bees for our survival they pollinate over 130   different fruits and vegetables and different  plants and even if you don’t eat vegetables or   fruits if you’re a carnivore or you don’t just  eat processed food you need need to realize that 

the thing you’re eating might depend on the bees  to pollinate their food but even just for humans   what they pollinate represents about one3 of the  food that we eat so overall we have this idea of   honey as being Liquid Gold it’s very precious it’s  a very very good thing but then on the other hand   with Rising awareness we now know that sugar is  really really bad so how does that fit together   if honey is good but it’s mostly sugar how can  that be so these are some of the things that we’re 

going to sort out in this article and I’m going  to base a lot of this on a article I saw because   it was very representative of a lot of the claims  about honey that you see so we’re going to figure   out which ones are true and which ones are false  and which ones kind of maybe somewhere in between   so I’m going to show you some screen captures  along the way here to show you that I didn’t   actually make this up that someone else published  this and some of these may seem crazy but they’re 

very representative of what people believe and  what’s being written out there so first thing   they said in this article was that everything  in their article was unbiased fact checked and   reviewed by qualified health professional so that  makes you feel really good up front like very very   reassuring that this has to be topnotch stuff so  let’s take a look so one of the claims was that   if you eat honey you will sleep better and then  again on their slide they said eating honey right   before bed May spike your insulin levels and I’m  like that can’t be good because if you watch this 

channel you know that that’s not something  we’re going for but here they mention it as   a positive and they say that this increased  insulin can stimulate tryptophan which will   stimulate serotonin which turns into melatonin and  therefore would help you sleep but it doesn’t work   like this trust me if you create even a smidgen  of a benefit which is pretty far reached because   if you increase insulin you also bind up some of  the tryptophan so it’s less available but even   if it did work you do not want to try to create  health benefits by increasing insulin by creating 

insulin spikes because even if this worked you  would create a dozen bad effects along the way   so please don’t do this and the next claim was  that if you eat honey you will learn faster and be   more relaxed and the mechanism proposed for this  was that the glucose in Honey is quickly absorbed   a

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